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20 Ghanaian students get EU scholarships

20 Ghanaian students get EU scholarships Featured

Twenty Ghanaian students from Universities across the country have been granted prestigious scholarships under the Erasmus+ programme for the year 2017. They will pursue courses at both Master and Doctoral level in European Universities.
The scholarships are expected to help the twenty students acquire high level skills, knowledge and varied experience that will help them to contribute in future years to Ghana’s sustainable development.
Since 2004 245 students and staff from Ghana have benefited from Erasmus+ scholarships, centrally funded by the EU budget.
Erasmus is only one source of funding for scholarships to Europe. When scholarships from both the European Union and its 28 Member States are taken into account, it is estimated that a total of around one thousand Ghanaian students gain scholarships to European Universities each year.
The European Union expects to see an increase in the number of scholarship beneficiaries in future years by working alongside the academic community and by raising awareness of the programme among students. Ambassadors from the EU and its Member States recently gave a talk at the University of Ghana on the many scholarship opportunities open to Ghanaian students.
Among the courses the twenty new Erasmus students will pursue are a Doctorate programme in Legal Psychology, Masters in Economics of Globalisation and European Integration, International Masters in Marine Biological Resources, Masters in Journalism, Media and Globalisation in ten different European Union member states.
The students are not the only beneficiaries of the Erasmus + Programme The Erasmus+ programme will also contribute to the improvement of the quality of higher education through enhanced international cooperation between Universities in Europe and in Africa and the harmonization of programmes and procedures.
The European Union and the Member States will host the new Erasmus students on Friday 28 July 2017 for an orientation meeting with alumni of the Erasmus+ programme in Ghana. This will help them to make a smooth transition from Ghana to their host countries and universities in Europe.

Additional Info

  • Origin: citifm/GhAgent

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